Is the market shifting?

Is the market shifting?

Seek reports that in May 2023, most industries saw an increase in applications per job ad posted on their website. In Legal there was a 4% increase, and in Science and Technology, we saw a 7% increase. Interestingly, whilst Victoria saw no change in job ads posted between April and May, QLD decreased in advertisements by 1.3% and NSW declined by 1.6%.

This time of year often sees candidates start to look for new opportunities, as annual reviews are completed and employment services agencies are publishing Salary Review data (you can download ours here:, candidates are evaluating what they want from their role.

Restless candidates in a market that isn’t advertising as many roles previously means that the tightening of the job market could swing things back in favour of businesses. But ultimately, it is the businesses seeking out employees in a market that is still skill short.

If you are a in need of recruitment assistance, empire group are a specialist recruitment agency with offices along the east coast. We specialise in legal, technology, office support and executive roles. Many of our recruiters have direct experience working in the roles they recruit for, meaning they understand exactly what businesses and candidates need in the job-seeking journey.

If you want to be connected with some great people you can reach out to empire group today on our website, by emailing or by calling 07 3231 1200!