Our blog

Read about best practices, strategies, and firsthand insights into talent attraction and recruitment.


Is the market shifting?

​Is the market shifting?Seek reports that in May 2023, most industries saw an increase in applications per job ad posted on their website. In Legal there was a 4% increase, and in Science and Technology, we saw a 7% increase. Interestingly, whilst Victoria saw no change in job ads posted between April and May, QLD…

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Happy 12 Year Anniversary at empire group Libby!

​Yesterday we celebrated Libby Mizrahi’s 12 year anniversary at empire group! Libby has been a crucial member of our team over the years and has been a vital part of our ongoing growth and development. We are so proud to have her on our team!

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Grow Through what you Go Through

Grow through what you go through. We are in annual review season, and this year we have noticed an increase in conversations regarding expectations. Both employers and employees have ideas about what they need from each other, and if those conversations aren’t happening throughout the year, review time can catch you off guard. No one…

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It’s our 14th Birthday!

​Today is empire group’s 14th Birthday! I founded empire group | legal eagles in Brisbane on June 1st, 2009. I wanted to build a recruitment agency that was focused on supporting and inspiring people to become their best selves and give them the tools to build their careers through authentic connections. 14 years later, and…

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W​hat are 14 things you can do for your career today?

W​hat are 14 things you can do for your career today? At empire group, we have helped thousands of people start and progress their careers. As recruiters, we have unique insight into the legal and technology industries, meaning we know how candidates can advance in their careers. Here are 14 things you can do to…

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