The Global Behemoth of eDiscovery

“Revealing insights derived from 2019’s Relativity Fest, as well as some of the industry’s most noteworthy experts, Lawyers Weekly uncovers the impact e-discovery has had so far and the value-add it will continue to bring to business moving forward.

The concept of e-discovery is not lost on the world’s legal markets and this is proved no better than by attending a Chicago-based conference held at the end of the year, gathering the likes of over 2,000 people.

Relativity Fest, hosted by Relativity, is designed to educate and connect the e-discovery community. The event is a juggernaut in that it draws in legal and tech professionals from 31 different countries all with the goal Relativity has coined in its offices – that they want to “organise data, discover the truth and act on it.”

Attending the event for the past three years has taught the Lawyers Weekly team plenty but perhaps the easiest to describe is the idea that e-discovery is something making considerable headway in the way matters are completed and that it’s not going away any time soon.” writes Emma Ryan on the Lawyers Weekly BigLaw Feed.

Her article goes on to outline the impact eDiscovery has had so far and the value it adds and will continue to add to businesses moving forward.

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