How to Nail Your Online Job Interview

The online job interview has quickly become an expected and normalised part of the recruitment process. It can allow employers and candidates to be connected faster due to the increased flexibility an online interview allows.But there are many people who have not navigated the job market in recent years so may not have been a part of an online job interview before. This blog outlines the key things you should consider and prepare for in order to nail your next online job interview.

  1. Practice your technology ahead of your online job interview

Flexibility is only possible due to technology, which means your ability to use it successfully can have a big impact on the result of your interview. Here are a few things that are crucial to your success:

Practice on the platform you’ll be using for your interview

Not all hiring managers or recruiters use the same platform to host their job interviews. But whether it is Microsoft Teams, Facetime, Google Meet or Zoom, it is important to be familiar with the platform.

Ensure that you know which platform or app the interview will be on, and download it ahead of your meeting. Practice joining a meeting so that you are familiar with the platform, you don’t want to be caught off guard trying to enter your interview.

Additionally, ensure that your account on this platform is up to professional standards. A silly profile photo may not do you any favours if your interviewer is looking for professionalism.

Check your lighting

Because you won’t be in the same room as your interviewer, it is important to consider the lighting in your environment so that they can see you properly. This includes making sure your space isn’t too dark or bright.

Lighting that comes from behind you will make it harder for your interviewer to see you which may be distracting. Additionally, glare can be similarly distracting and prevent your interview from focuses on your questions.

Check your microphone

Testing your microphone before the interview is important to ensure that your connection is clear. You don’t want your interviewer unable to hear your response because you didn’t check your microphone. Testing beforehand will allow you to troubleshoot in case you have any issues.

Have a backup ready for your online interview

If you are using your laptop to have your interview, having a backup way to join the meeting is worthwhile in case something goes wrong. This could include another laptop or your phone with the meeting platform downloaded and ready to go.

Technology can be unpredictable, so it is good to be prepared.

Ensure your technology is fully charged

Dropping out of an interview because your device runs flat is a quick way to look underprepared for your interview. Ensuring your device is either fully charged or connected to a power supply can save you embarrassment.

  1. Consider the environment of your online interview

Location – where should you do your online interview?

It is important to think about the location of your interview. You don’t want to be in an environment that looks dirty or messy as it can send the wrong message to your interview.

Picking an environment that looks clear and tidy is an important part of looking professional. Even if your environment is unconventional, tidiness can go a long way.

Removing Distractions

A busy background can make for a distracted interviewer. Your goal should be that your interviewer is focused on you, as you are them. If you’re in a public place or there is lots of noise and moving things behind you, this focus becomes harder to achieve.

But sometimes you will not be able to completely remove the distractions around you, as long as you have done your best to, just own up to the distractions and apologise. Being courteous can go a long way.

What to have with you

When doing an online interview there are few things that having around will make your interview process smoother.

A glass of water nearby

Often overlooked, a glass of water is not only something that can help you clear your throat when speaking a lot. It can also be used strategically, as a sip when being asked a question can give you more time to think of an eloquent response.

Notepad and pen

Taking notes in an interview helps make you appear engaged to your interviewer. Similarly, taking notes can help streamline your thinking during and after the interview. Referring back to your notes through the interview can be an effective way of ensuring that you are answering the interview questions accurately.

Printed copy of your CV

Your interviewer will have a copy of your CV with them, so it is helpful if you have one too. If they ask you questions about it, having it in front of you as well can make it faster and easier to respond.

  1. Show up to your online job interview early

You only get to make a good first impression once. Showing up to your interview late can prevent this. It is essential to not just be on time, but a few minutes early. Because you are not interviewing in person you will not be able to have time to build your rapport with your interviewer, so every action you take counts towards building that first good impression.

  1. Dress for the job you want – even online

The flexibility of an online interview, is often mistaken for causality, which is not the case. An online job interview is the same as an in-person interview, and you should dress professionally.

You want to present yourself to a potential employer as someone who can be trusted to represent their company well, so proper attire is key.

If you want to wear casual pants, that is a decision that should be made based on what is visible on camera. If you believe, for some reason, you may have to move during the interview, having professional pants can ensure that your presentation isn’t compromised even for a second.

  1. Presentation – body language in your interview

Because you have no opportunity to build rapport, having open and positive body language in the interview is really important. There are multiple things to think about.


A hunched over posture is very visible and can send the wrong messages and make you look timid or reserved. Sitting up straight in the interview (where possible), will not only make you look more confident, but feel more confident.

Eye Contact

Eye contact is difficult in an online interview, predominately because the eyes of the interviewer are not what you should be looking at.

In person, looking someone in the eyes helps you develop a connection and is quite straight forward.

In an online interview your interviewer will appear on a screen, several centimetres lower than the camera. If you are focusing on the face of your interviewer, it can give the impression of looking down and not maintaining eye contact.

The best way to avoid this is to look directly into your camera when speaking. Your interviewer, who will be looking at their own screen, will feel like you are making eye contact with them, even if you technically aren’t.

Make hand gestures

A lot of people speak with their hands, this not only helps them speak clearer, but conveys a liveliness to the person you are speaking with.

In an online interview, speaking with hand gestures can help you look more confident or natural to the person interviewing you. This may set them at ease and feel more confident in the answers you are giving.

Stay visibly engaged and focused

If your environment is distracting you, try not to let it show on camera. Being distracted and not looking visibly engaged can send a message that you aren’t interested in the role which is not the message you want in an interview.

An online interview, is still a job interview so you can prepare the same way by doing research and practicing ahead of time. If you follow these tips to navigate your interview, you can use this format to your advantage by being prepared and presenting well.

If you are looking for tips for your next online job interview you can reach out to empire group today to be connected with one of our great recruiters.

empire group are a specialist recruitment agency with offices in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. We help professionals to advance their careers across legal support jobs, legal professional jobs, technology jobs, corporate jobs, risk and governance jobs, eDiscovery jobs, within both the temporary employment and permanent employment market.

If you are looking to make your next career or business decision reach out to empire group today at 07 3231 1200, or email, or visit: to be connected with one of our great recruiters.

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